Sealing areas that cannot be reached with manual techniques.

150 Year Old Farm House Renovation

  • A House Full of Leaks

    Before the homeowner called us to seal the 150 year old farm house that they were renovating the house was full of leaks. We did an initial blower door test and showed the homeowner and contractor where their house was losing air. Leakage was happening in locations that they never thought of sealing . We advised them how to prepare the house for Air Lock. They spent the next several days spray foaming every opening. They didn’t miss a single one.

  • Long Island Air Lock at Work

    When we arrived our technicians taped over the HVAC grills and all portions of the windows and doors that we did not want to seal shut. We covered fireplace openings and all exhaust vents. When all was ready we did another blower door test. The results surprised the homeowners who thought that their prep work was extremally through.

  • Amazing Results

    In only a short amount of time the house went form 24 air exchanges down to less than four. Needless to say, the homeowners were extremally pleased.